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templatemo.com was founded in July 2008. We offer free downloads for HTML5 CSS templates, responsive mobile layouts, which can be applied in your static HTML websites or dynamic CMS sites. You may download, modify or edit them to fit in your website needs.

Since all themes or templates are absolutely free, there is no restriction about usage rights. However, we are not responsible for anything related to compatibility or accuracy or correctness of HTML CSS codes in any website template for any web browser. You may use them at your own risk. However, please let us know if you see any kind of error or issue and we will try to fix that.

All templates are licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 International. You can customize our freebies for your clients and charge them for your service. You can remove any credit link or anything when you do editing in any HTML editor.

Feel free to contact us if you have anything to say. Be happy!



A product by AgileITs

W3layouts is initiated by AgileITs which always believed and followed Mobile First Design. We started w3layouts with aim to make web Mobile friendly. Why Mobile first approach read below.

We are currently living in a world where 53% of internet users access the web through Mobile and its growing. If you have website which is not Mobile friendly, maybe 53% of your website users are not happy and they are not visiting back. You have an ecommerce site where you are selling products if it’s not mobile friendly then you are losing lot of business.

So, what is the solution? Building a separate mobile website for mobile users? But wait what about Responsive web design? Responsive design is supported by HTML5 and CSS3 supported mobile devices and what about remaining Mobile devices which are not smart enough to handle responsive design and load? Oh, now you have to design separate websites for web and Mobile. It will cost a lot of Money.

where can I get FREE Responsive and Basic mobile friendly design which can detect the device compatibility and load the design? Lots of service providers are providing free responsive web designs but not mobile optimized designs. If you need to have mobile optimized design we will not get a free mobile design which will look similar to the website design, w3layouts.com providing a single design in three different layouts which are optimized for Smartphone’s (Iphone, Android, windows Mobile and More), Mobiles (Nokia, Sony Ericsson, LG and other Java, symbian Mobiles) and Web Responsive.

Download templates create Mobile friendly and responsive websites for some commonly asked question visit our FAQ’s page